Get ready for your session. De-Clutter and De-Personalize so buyers can visualize living in their new home!
Hide all garbage cans, lawn equipment, children/pet toys
Tidy-up the yard and landscaping
Sweep porches, decks, walkways, patios, balconies
Clear all cars from driveway and window views
Remove covers on BBQ grills, pool/hot-tub, TV
Pools: remove cleaning equipment, turn on water features
Open patio umbrellas
Clear & clean kitchen counters, including paper towel holders, sponges, soap dispensers
Hide all bathroom toiletries from counter, shower, and close toilet seats
Turn on all lights and replace burned out lightbulbs
Consistent light bulb colors are best!
Turn off ceiling fans, TVs, computers
Remove floor mats in bathrooms, kitchen, front/back doors (for better floor visibility)
Clear personal photos/items throughout house
Make all beds, straighten pillows, throw blankets
Hide trash cans, personal photos/items, all pet items, entertainment remotes
Leave minimal decorative items on tables/counters
Option to add fruit bowls, fresh flowers for color!
Please note: Due to liability, our photographers do not move large furniture, treadmills, kitchen appliances, dog crates, etc. We also do not touch personal hygiene and bathroom supplies. Please be sure to hide these items!
Aerial Shoot Prep
Hide cars in garage, under trees, or park down the street away from house
Hide garbage cans in garage/shed
Keep everyone inside, including pets!
Twilight Shoot Prep
Turn on all outdoor/landscape/pool lights
Turn on interior lights in main areas with windows
Avoid yellow or green lights (warm daylight bulbs are okay)